Discover a true partnership with a society publisher who shares your goals. Our mission is to deliver impact, recognition and value to the scientific community, and that includes supporting you to do the same. As a mid-sized publisher, we are small enough to tailor our services to your needs and big enough to deliver impact.
What we offer
Find out how your organisation can benefit from partnering with us, from launching new journals to first-class partner service.
Current partners
Discover the societies and organisations who have chosen us as their publishing partner.
How we support our partners
Working closely with the global scientific community has been at the centre of our publishing activity for more than a century. We aim to expand the world of physics by offering a portfolio of journals, ebooks and conference proceedings, as well as science magazines and news outlets such as Physics World and CERN Courier.

Open science expertise
We have been at the forefront of the open access revolution since launching the first ever fully open access physics journal, New Journal of Physics (NJP), in 1998.
Our specialist open access team is dedicated to helping our partners move towards open science and we recently helped the American Astronomical Society and the International Atomic Energy Agency to make the transition.
For more information, contact our head of partner publishing and engagement or sign up for our partner newsletter.

Did you know?
25 learned societies have chosen to publish their journals with us
More than 82% of our accepted authors rate us ‘better’ or ‘much better’ than other publishers
Our content is accessed by more than 5,000 institutions across 140 countries, and is represented at major conferences and scientific events across the globe