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  • Stanford scientist wins inaugural Steven Vogel Young Researcher award

    Dr David Lentink from Stanford University, USA, has been named winner of the inaugural Bioinspiration & Biomimetics Steven Vogel Young Investigator Award 2017. The award recognises early career excellence in the journal’s field, and is open to researchers in the 10 years after completing their PhD. Dr Lentink’s multidisciplinary laboratory at Stanford University studies biological […]

  • Human skin pigmentation recreated – with a 3D bioprinter

    A new method for controlling pigmentation in fabricated human skin has been developed by researchers from A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) and the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing (SC3DP) at Nanyang Technological University. In their paper, publishing today in Biofabrication, the team show how they utilise 3D bioprinting to control the distribution of […]

  • ‘Heart-on-a-chip’ process aims to speed up drug testing

    Testing new clinical drugs’ effect on heart tissue could become quicker and more straightforward, thanks to new research from Harvard University. The study, published today in the journal Biofabrication, sets out a new, faster method for manufacturing a ‘heart-on-a-chip’, which can be used to test the reaction of heart tissue to external stimuli. Co-lead author […]

  • California’s water saving brings bonus effects

    Water-saving measures in California have also led to substantial reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and electricity consumption in the state. That is the conclusion of new research from the University of California, Davis, published today in the journal Environmental Research Letters. Measures to cut water use by 25 per cent across California were implemented […]

  • New ebooks take a look at stellar evolution and red supergiants

    Supergiant stars and stellar evolution are the first topics to be covered in a new astronomy ebook collection from the American Astronomical Society and IOP Publishing. In the first book in the collection, Astrophysics of Red Supergiants, Professor Emily Levesque, from the University of Washington in Seattle, explores our current knowledge of red supergiant stars, […]