Progress In series
Authoritative | Trusted | Progressive
Building on the reputation and prestige of IOP Publishing’s (IOPP) world-renowned Reports on Progress in Physics, our Progress In series™ is an evolving network of journals that curate, enhance, and amplify essential research, aiming to unite multidisciplinary global research communities.
- Visibility – the Progress In series journals offer you and your work even greater recognition and reach through bespoke marketing support and selective coverage on our globally renowned science news platform Physics World.
- Personal touch – the Progress In series is overseen by a dedicated internal Chief Editor and a team of Scientific Editors who are always on hand to provide advice and guidance to ensure your work meets the highest standards.
- Leadership in peer review – the Progress In series benefits from IOPP’s exceptionally high standards of peer review. Plus, our editorial boards of experts in their fields provide trust-worthy advice and insight during the review of your manuscript.
- Purpose-led publishing – Science is our only shareholder. We are committed to investing 100% of our funds back into science, and putting science and research integrity ahead of profit.
Discover the Progress In series
Reports on Progress in Physics
Progress in Energy

Subir Sachdev
Submit to Reports on Progress in Physics
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Impact factor
For 90 years, Reports on Progress in Physics has been a trusted home for invited reviews across all areas of physics. As part of journal modernisation in 2023, the journal is now considering primary research articles, making it even more valuable for physicists around the world for years to come.

Nigel Brandon
Imperial College London, UK
Submit to Progress in Energy
Impact factor
The mission of Progress in Energy is to publish groundbreaking research of the highest quality and significance across all aspects of the global energy transition. The journal’s scope includes fundamental and interdisciplinary studies within the natural & physical sciences, technology & engineering, social sciences, economics and policy.
“Reports on Progress in Physics has a long history of serving the entire physics community. It is established as one of the world’s authoritative journals for the field, boasting an archive of seminal and influential review content. The introduction of original research as a new option for authors means that Reports on Progress in Physics will be a home for even more essential research content for the benefit of its multidisciplinary audience. The original research content will reinforce the journal’s long-standing reputation as one of the most important resources for physicists at all career stages.”
Subir Sachdev, Editor-in-Chief – Reports on Progress in Physics

Why publish with the Progress In series?
A trusted home for your research
Expect a first-class publishing experience every time you submit to a Progress In series journal. Our high journal metrics will extend the visibility of your article, plus we offer bespoke marketing support from our dedicated in-house team, along with selective coverage on the globally renowned science news platform Physics World.
A history of publishing impactful research
Based on 90-years’ experience assessing and publishing influential articles from the world’s leading researchers, we have developed a peer-review model that the combines IOPP’s internal long-standing peer-review and research integrity knowledge with the world-leading scientific expertise of our external editorial boards.
Making your work easily discoverable
The journal offer both open access (OA) and traditional subscription-access publishing models. Choosing OA for your article will improve your visibility and downloads. It also increases Altmetric scores and citations. Publishing OA may also mean your publishing fees could be covered by one of our transformative agreements.
Transparent peer review
To build trust in science, we provide transparent peer review for all our content, meaning readers can see a paper’s full peer review history, including reviewer reports and editor decision letters. So, you can continue to expect adept guidance from our prestigious editorial boards.
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“The expansion of our high-quality journal Progress in Energy will present a compelling open access publishing option for the energy community. By introducing primary energy research to the journal, we are continuing to support the transition to a low carbon energy system, addressing climate change and delivering sustainable energy solutions for future generations.”
Nigel Brandon, Editor-in-Chief – Progress in Energy, Imperial College London, UK

Why review for the Progress In series?
Get credit for your contribution
Receive a 10% discount towards the cost of publishing gold OA in any IOP Publishing-owned journal within two years of your review: just a small thank you for making our journals what they are. You can formalise your contribution via the Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service. You could also earn IOP trusted reviewer certification and receive an IOP Publishing Outstanding Reviewer Award.
Help train the scientists of tomorrow
Our co-review policy allows two people to collaborate on a reviewer report, with both receiving recognition. We offer co-review in the hope that early-career researchers with limited experience of peer review can work together with more experienced colleagues or supervisors to build their peer review competency. Early career researchers can also benefit from our online courses.
Play a part in curating the best research
The Progress In series aims to showcase the few hundred most impactful research papers across the physical sciences each year. Add your voice to the future direction of your discipline by helping us in this curation and supporting your colleagues in making their work the best and most rigorous it can be.
Contribute to the scientific community
Know that all revenue from the Progress In series journals is fed back to the scientific community through the activities of the Institute of Physics. We are not for profit.
By reviewing for us, you achieve all this and much more…
“Our Progress In series stands for rigorous peer review and responsive author-centric service. We will curate high-quality, impactful content, and are committed to amplify and promote this research and its authors. In this way we hope to translate complex ideas for funders, policy makers and tomorrow’s scientists.”
David Gevaux, Chief Editor – Progress In series, IOP Publishing