Journal of Physics: Complexity – A new open-access journal from IOP Publishing
11 Jun 2019 by Simon DaviesIOP Publishing is launching JPhys Complexity, a new multidisciplinary, open access journal focusing on the science of complex systems and networks.
Representing a further addition to IOP’s Journal of Physics series, JPhys Complexity will publish significant research where concepts and methods of physics and related fields are applied to advancing our understanding of complex systems and problems.
The journal will welcome high quality submissions from all relevant disciplines, including physics, biology, chemistry, environmental science, social sciences, economics, and related fields.
The aim is to create a journal that covers all aspects of an increasingly multidisciplinary research field; and in doing so, maximises the exchange of knowledge between existing and emerging communities relevant to complexity. JPhys Complexity will also adopt open science principles to encourage maximum collaboration, reproducibility and dissemination of research.
Editorial leadership for JPhys Complexity comes from the founding Editor-in-Chief, Dr Ginestra Bianconi, of Queen Mary University of London. She will be supported by an international Editorial Board of leading researchers representing the journal’s full scientific coverage.
Dr Bianconi said: “Complexity is an extremely vibrant field of research that cuts across several different areas of science and is becoming increasingly important for solving many of the world’s most pressing scientific challenges. I am thrilled to be working with IOP Publishing to develop JPhys Complexity into a high-quality, open access journal that will uniquely represent the multidisciplinary research and report on the most advanced results taking place in this exciting new field of science.”
JPhys Complexity is now open for submissions. There will be no article publication charge for any article submitted before the end of May 2020 that is accepted and published in the journal. Full details about the scope and Editorial Board can be found on the journal homepage.