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Celebrating quantum science throughout 2025

This year’s UN-declared International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ) celebrates the centenary of quantum mechanics and highlights the future importance of quantum technologies. IOP Publishing is pleased to bring you a year-long programme of curated content and resources to showcase the field and its significance – stay tuned for our ongoing activities. You can also follow what the Institute of Physics is doing as one of the founding partners of the IYQ.

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As a society-owned scientific publisher, we are dedicated to providing impact, recognition and value for the scientific community. With your contribution to quantum research, we can drive scientific progress together.

The International Year of Quantum is a chance to celebrate one of the greatest achievements of the human intellect, and glance at what will stem from them in the future.

Mauro Paternostro, Editor-in-Chief of Quantum Science and Technology 

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