Additional services to empower the scientific community
The academic publishing landscape is changing at pace. We provide support and guidance to researchers and librarians and immerse ourselves in the community to stay connected to its evolving needs.
The following additional services we provide enhance the experience of our librarians and end-users and can be enjoyed as standard.
Archiving and preserving content
We archive our journal content on our own servers and platform as well as through trusted third parties (e.g. Portico, CLOCKSS) and implement policies on perpetual access to published research.

COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources)
We participate in this initiative formed by libraries and publishers to provide consistent, credible and comparable usage reporting to help libraries understand how the information accessed at their institution is being used.
OA Switchboard
We are a member of OA Switchboard, an independent intermediary enabling academic institutions and research funding organisations to monitor information relating to OA research outputs via a central information hub.

Access and discovery
Maximise readership and ensure that your readers can find the content they need as quickly and smoothly as possible. Find out more about access and discovery.
Get Full Text Research (GetFTR)
Offering researchers a streamlined pathway to full text journal articles on IOPscience using real-time entitlement checks. The integrated GetFTR indicator enables readers to see at a glance which cited articles are available to read next, with smart links for direct access.

IOP Publishing Journal Finder
A free-to-use tool which enables authors to easily check if the journal they would like to publish their work in complies with their funder requirements, or if it is covered by a transformative agreement. It aims to streamline the OA publishing workflow to unburden researchers.
We’ve introduced SeamlessAccess on IOPscience to make remote access even easier. We will now automatically recognise if you have previously logged in to IOPscience using your institutional login. Not only that but your institutional login will also be carried with you when you visit other participating publisher platforms, saving you time and effort.
Altmetric and Digital Science
These partnerships provide authors and readers with a deeper understanding of how published research is being used and discussed. Authors can measure the impact, attention and influence of their publications.
We want every researcher to feel welcome when they visit our online platform IOPscience, so we’ve designed the site to make usability a key feature and are compliant with the latest accessibility standards and guidelines.
Enable discovery of published research
We enrich journal articles to maximise discovery of published research (e.g. via semantic indexing) and invest in metadata services and standards. We adhere to standards and invest in interoperability (e.g. CrossRef for reference deposition, CrossMark for article versioning, ORCID for author IDs, FundRef for funder metadata) and collaborate with community discovery services (e.g. ADS, arXiv, PubMedCentral). We enhance discoverability by syndicating our content on the ResearchGate platform and through services like video abstracts and LabTalk (enhanced abstracts for a wider audience).

Recognising researchers for their important work
In 2023, we celebrated and recognised researchers who have helped us to expand the world of physics by presenting over 25 awards and prizes in collaboration with partner societies and institutes. We recognise collaboration and contribution through initiatives such as our annual reviewer and top cited author awards and we work with Publons to allow researchers to claim credits for their reviews.